Team DSF Logo
Usage Guidelines and Graphic Standards FOR REPRODUCTION
Team DSF Logo
Usage Guidelines and Graphic Standards USAGE GUIDELINES FOR REPRODUCTION
Team DSF members may not use or alter the logo of The Diann Shaddox Foundation.
Team DSF members may not extract, use, or alter the signature DSF design.
Team DSF members may use the Team DSF logo but may not alter or customize the size, color, fonts, or style in their designs.
The logo must be reproduced by downloading the authorized versions available to members. It cannot be redrawn or modified in any way. Once downloaded, the logo may be reduced or enlarged proportionately to fit on different size items (t-shirts, mugs, stationery, etc.).
It is not permissible to add any text to the logo such that the text appears to be a part of the logo.
The text must be spaced far enough from the logo so that it is clearly a separate element of the finished piece. The amount of space this requires will vary depending on the size of the logo and the piece overall.
Team DSF may only be used as part of a design for the Team DSF event and not as a standalone graphic on promotion, collateral custom merchandise or giveaways. Additionally, items bearing the solo image of the Team DSF logo may not be used for sale.
Items bearing the Team DSF logo may not also bear an image or likeness of Diann Shaddox. Permission to use the Team DSF logo is, in all cases, at the ultimate discretion of The Diann Shaddox Foundation.
The Diann Shaddox Foundation reserves the right to deny this permission at any time.
Usage Guidelines and Graphic Standards USAGE GUIDELINES FOR REPRODUCTION
Team DSF members may not use or alter the logo of The Diann Shaddox Foundation.
Team DSF members may not extract, use, or alter the signature DSF design.
Team DSF members may use the Team DSF logo but may not alter or customize the size, color, fonts, or style in their designs.
The logo must be reproduced by downloading the authorized versions available to members. It cannot be redrawn or modified in any way. Once downloaded, the logo may be reduced or enlarged proportionately to fit on different size items (t-shirts, mugs, stationery, etc.).
It is not permissible to add any text to the logo such that the text appears to be a part of the logo.
The text must be spaced far enough from the logo so that it is clearly a separate element of the finished piece. The amount of space this requires will vary depending on the size of the logo and the piece overall.
Team DSF may only be used as part of a design for the Team DSF event and not as a standalone graphic on promotion, collateral custom merchandise or giveaways. Additionally, items bearing the solo image of the Team DSF logo may not be used for sale.
Items bearing the Team DSF logo may not also bear an image or likeness of Diann Shaddox. Permission to use the Team DSF logo is, in all cases, at the ultimate discretion of The Diann Shaddox Foundation.
The Diann Shaddox Foundation reserves the right to deny this permission at any time.