Head Tremors & ET
Essential tremor is by far the most common cause of head tremor.
Essential meaning in medicine, is “of unknown cause”, like Essential Tremor.
Are head tremors serious?
In addition to your hands, tremors can affect other parts of your body such as your head, voice, face, and trunk. The tremor itself isn't dangerous, but it can cause problems with everyday activities as the condition worsens.
Tremors involve rhythmic, involuntary muscle contractions that lead to shaking in one or more parts of the body.
To help control head tremor, turn your head to the side. To reduce tremors when you're using your hands, hold your elbows close to your body. When you apply makeup, rest your elbows on a table or countertop.
The cause of Essential tremor is unknown.
However, one theory suggests that your cerebellum and other parts of your brain are not communicating correctly. The cerebellum controls muscle coordination.
Some factors can make essential tremor more pronounced. These include:
- fatigue
- stress and anxiety
- hunger or low blood sugar
- caffeine consumption
- hot or cold temperatures
- tobacco use
Vitamin D has been associated with many distinct neurological functions, particularly neuroprotection. Insufficient levels have consequently been linked to an increased likelihood of developing neurological diseases such as movement disorders, neuromuscular disorders, multiple sclerosis, and dementia Contrary to Parkinson’s disease, vitamin D deficiency, and bone abnormalities are under-investigated in hyperkinetic movement disorders (HKMDs). Several HKMDs, including essential tremor, RLS, and Huntington disease, are associated with vitamin D deficiency in up to 89%, the latter also with reduced bone mineral density.