Fundraiser FAQs |
Per Team DSF Fundraising Event Guidelines, you are not authorized to:
- Create your own materials using The Diann Shaddox Foundation for Essential Tremor (DSF) trademarks, such as the DSF logo.
- Imply or state that DSF is the host, sponsor, or endorser of your event.
- Establish or create a bank or holding account using the DSF name.
- Solicit donations from the public at stores, gas stations, side-of-the-road collections, door-to-door, or via telemarketing, direct mail.
- Provide donation receipts for tax purposes on behalf of DSF.
- Represent that you are an employee of DSF, if you are not.
- Represent that all funds raised will be coming to DSF if a portion will be used to cover the expenses of the event.
- Create domain names, webpages (other than your DSF registered fundraising page), or social media profiles/accounts using the name “DSF”.
- Create your own nonprofit organization using the DSF® name and trademarks, such as the DSF logo.
The following third-party events are not permitted:
- Any fundraising event, activity or materials that do not align with the mission of DSF.
- Events based on cause-marketing campaigns or promotions, apparel sales, or percentage of sales.
- Events requiring the acquisition, use or solicitation of DSF donors, vendors, partners, or employees.
- In no event shall DSF be liable to you or any third party for special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages.
- Events that involve gambling, tobacco companies or products, drugs, hate speech, firearms, sexual content, or the over-indulgence or irresponsible consumption of alcohol.
- DSF assumes no legal or financial liability for third-party events.
- Events using professional fundraising organizations.
- Political events.
- You acknowledge that you are hosting a fundraising event to benefit DSF as a third-party, independent event, at your own risk and that you will hold DSF, its agents and representatives harmless from any liability resulting from any injury, damage or loss suffered at the event.
- Additional legal considerations:
- Raffles/drawings where individuals purchase a chance to win a prize are governed by a variety of state and federal laws. Due to the complexities of these legal requirements, we strongly discourage third parties from conducting raffle/drawing fundraising. Applying for any kind of charitable raffle or charitable gaming permit using the DSF® name is prohibited.
- DSF reserves the right to terminate its relationship with any participant at any time for any reason.
- Monetary donations made payable and submitted to DSF are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
DSF will not be able to sponsor your event, and as a result, cannot do the following on your behalf:
- Provide donation receipts for tax purposes unless donations are received directly by DSF (under most circumstances; please contact DSF if you have questions).
- Reach out to celebrities to attend or support your event.
- Sell tickets.
- Recruit DSF sponsors.
- Promote your event on DSF social media pages.
- Promote or endorse any third-party cause, idea, political campaign, website, product or service.
- Coordinating any promotional advertising
- State, County, licenses, liability insurance, and any and all permits.
- Event expenses - DSF will not reimburse you for the purchase of goods for your event. No goods or services may be charged to or billed to DSF for any reason. The tax-exempt status of DSF may not be used to purchase items for your fundraising event.
- Safeguarding donations made to benefit DSF and promptly sending donations to DSF.
- Clearly communicating to donors if you are deducting expenses before sending net proceeds to DSF.
- Clearly conveying and representing that DSF is a beneficiary, not the host or party responsible for the event. “DSF” should not be used as the event title; rather, the event should be promoted as an event to benefit DSF (i.e. “XYZ Golf Tournament to benefit DSF”).
- Obtaining all applicable permits, licenses, and insurance certificates
- Identifying any sponsor
You can reduce costs by asking local businesses to give materials or sponsor your event.