Meditation & Essential Tremor
Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation is practiced in numerous religious traditions.
The benefits of regular meditation practice:
Here are five reasons to meditate:
The benefits of regular meditation practice:
Here are five reasons to meditate:
- Understanding your pain
- Lower your stress
- Connect better with yourself
- Improve focus on everyday activities
- Reduce brain chatter
- Find a calm and quiet place to sit.
- Decide on your time of day. Mornings are great for most, but maybe you need a quiet break in the afternoon.
- Set your daily time limit, start for 2 -3 minutes a week.
- Don’t overthink your spot. Find a comfortable spot on the floor, chair, bed, or wherever you can relax.
- Think about your body and mind, or you stressed, busy, overthinking,
- Now slowly take a breath through your nose all the way down to your lungs. Try counting “one” as you take in the first breath, then “two” as you breathe out. Repeat this to the count of 10, then start again at one.
- If your mind wonders just take a moment and return to breathing.
- Take a moment and relax if your mind begins to think too much.
- Focus on the light, sounds around you, Keep your eyes on one spot.
- Be grateful that you had this time to yourself, smile.